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What Is Statism?

March 8, 2014 Leave a comment




1. the principle or policy of concentrating extensive economic, political, and related controls in the state at the cost of individual liberty.
2. support of or belief in the sovereignty of a state, usually a republic.

Seems the state has all the power in a Statism Society.. Now wait, isn’t that pretty much like a Democracy ?

Lets take a quick peek at Statism and how it parallels Democracy in may ways. A fine example is that Statism often requires force to implement and also maintain, would that be like our police and armies under Democratic rule?  The government grants the right to those select few that wear a badge and a gun to kidnap,coerce and collect money from and if they deam necessary kill us in the name of the safety of the state.

A Statism Society allow for divisions among its citizens. Similar to how within a democracy the state often promotes divisions based on sexual preference, religious belief not to mention the separation of the economic classes. This is a proven way to help keep a society in line. If people are busy comparing themselves to others and trying to attain the power and wealth of the few then they will not see how the government isn’t there for them but rather only about the wealth and the power it can steal from the society and its people.

A Statism Society encourages envy.  You will find that the few people in power both economic and politically will be the one’s with the majority of the wealth. You will have a few more, tho not as powerful or wealthy that the state allow to excel. Most often these people are great contributors to the state in one way or another. Then you will have the majority of the society or the slaves. The slaves are the one’s that trudge day-to-day to help keep those in power wealthy. Slaves sometimes will grumble but due to the protectors of the state whole uphold the laws and punish, kidnap or kill slaves that don’t follow the rules most will just tow the line and do as told. Many among the slaves don’t even understand the state of slavery they have been born into. They are so programmed by education, media and the constant bombardment of propaganda from the state that they believe they have freedom. The other thing about the slaves is that they are teased by the falsehood that they too, if they slave hard enough can be come one of the wealthy as well.

The Power Elite in a Statism Society will of course reward those that do as told and are good little slaves. We see this in many forms.   Those that accept what they are told or keep the state informed on those that go against it wishes, often receive token financial gain or similar rewards for their service to the state. People are encouraged to turn into the state those that go against the rules or plans. There are victimless and unjust laws that do nothing but contribute money to the state and keep those in control in a lifestyle that the slaves can only dream of. People believe that if they keep their mouths shut, do what they are told that they have a chance to become one of the Slave-masters.

In a nut shell Statism is about control.  It has rules and checks in place that destroy the opportunity for success. It puts rules in place to control others and limit their options and often results in suffering. When I look at how Statism is defined, how the control and power is wielded by the few, I have to ask how this is any different then what is called Democracy. The way I see it Statism and Democracy are one in the same. Democracy is nothing more than a fancy word to give the slaves the false impression that they have some say or control in their lives and how the society as a whole is run.

Statism or Democracy no matter how you spell it, it is all the same. Its nothing more than modern slavery.